The 7th International Assises will be held at UNESCO,
on Monday 6 and Tuesday 7 January 2020, in Paris
Program of the 7th International Congress (2020) – in english
CV of the speakers and moderators – Conference 2020
The 6/1
Opening of the conferences by His Excellency Ambassador Ferit Hoxha
Slides of Dr Violaine Guérin
The Journey between two conferences
Slides of Muguette Dini
Sects and sexual violence
Slides of Pr Wissam El Hage
The silence – Why don’t victims of sexual violence speak out?
Slides of round table
Institutionalised silence
Slides of Elen Vuidard
Sexual crimes and behavioural analysis in judicial investigations
Slides of Pr Isabelle Daigneault (Canada)
Health of sexually abused children compared to the general population
Slides of Nicole Andrieu, Nadine Knezovic-Daniel
Prevention of sexual violence in perinatal services
Slides of Michael Moran (Ireland), Jérôme Duhamel et Régis Villette
Extorsion sexuelle – les modes opératoires et les conséquences
Online sexual coercion and extortion exploring the criminality
Slides of Florence Tilkens (UK)
Sexual violence: what happened in the world in 2019?
Slides of Anne Maurel
Art, culture and sexual violence
Key messages 2020
Sponsors 2020
Press kit 2020